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The Season's Not the Only Thing Changing

The air is turning crisp, the trees are awash in vibrant colors, and decorations are popping up everywhere. Halloween is knocking at our door.

Halloween was always a favorite of mine. It's a season of fairytales and fantasies - where you can be whatever or whomever you want to be.

It's a day where all the rules seem to be thrown out - unlimited candy, trick or treating, dressing up (and acting) like someone else.

But Halloween, with its costumes, candy, and spooky fun, can also be a season of challenging behaviors that, if left unaddressed, can turn your Halloween into a real fright-fest.

Anticipation: For kids, and adults who are like me, anticipation for Halloween often brings heightened excitement. Children may become more animated, energetic, and enthusiastic about the upcoming holiday. This surplus of energy makes it challenging to sit still. More outdoor time and physical activity can help to blow off some steam.

Instant Gratification: For some, the waiting is the hardest part. Kids' concept of time is still developing. Explain to children that Halloween is just one day, A countdown calendar or chain may be helpful. It not only gives kids a sense of control over the waiting process but by visually tracking time, kids can better manage their emotions.

Disrupted Sleep: Excitement can spill over into nighttime, which may mean difficulty falling asleep or frequently waking up during the night. Teach children simple relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or mindfulness exercises, to help them manage their excitement and get better sleep. More physical activity during the day, a consistent bedtime routine, and bedtime can help.

Costumes: Some kids are obsessed with their costumes, wanting to wear them all the time. Others are hesitant to even go near them, let alone wear them. Still others change their minds about what they want to be on Halloween. For the obsessed, the call is on you. You know your kiddos best. You can limit the time they can wear the costume, let them wear it all the time, or not at all (I would suggest keeping it out of sight for this one). For those who are hesitant or don't want to wear a costume - go with it. There's nothing to say that kids have to love Halloween or dressing up. For the indecisive - I learned the hard way. Try not to let your excitement for Halloween get ahead of you. Wait until Halloween is upon us before making/purchasing a costume.

I want to add that Halloween is not for everybody. And that is fine. If you or your kiddo(s) do not enjoy the hubbub of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls you do not have to participate. Have your own traditions or rituals that suit you and yours.

We want both parents and children to enjoy the anticipation of Halloween while managing their excitement in a healthy and balanced way. As with most things in life, it's all about finding that sweet spot where the excitement adds to the fun without becoming overwhelming.

So, now I'd like to hear from you. What's your favorite Halloween tradition or memory, and how do you handle the excitement and challenges that come with it in your family? Share your stories and tips in the comments below.

And, as always, if you need support finding your sweet spot in a way that aligns with your unique family dynamics, let's connect. Schedule a BREAKTHROUGH SESSION today. During our session, we'll explore your goals, tackle the challenges you're encountering, and pinpoint any opportunities that might have been overlooked. Additionally, we'll uncover any hidden issues that could be hindering your desired outcomes. By the end of our session, you'll leave feeling revitalized, re-energized, and motivated to achieve results more swiftly and effortlessly than you ever imagined. Plus, you'll walk away with a concrete action plan to make it happen.


There are three ways that parents typically work with me:

1. Schedule a BREAKTHROUGH SESSION today. We'll look at your goals, the challenges you're facing, opportunities you might be missing. We'll also uncover hidden problems that may be sabotaging your desired results. You'll leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get results faster and easier than you thought possible. And you'll have a plan of action to do just that.

2. Private Coaching. Targeted, individual, private mentorship. To maintain the program's integrity and emphasize personalized attention, there are limited spots available. Click here to start the process


3. Three spots per month are opening up forTHE QUICK FIX VIP day - a 1/2 day private, intensive virtual meeting with 2 follow-ups. The Quick Fix is designed to work through and put a plan in action to solve one pressing parenting issue. We'll not only have a plan of action; you'll have implementation steps, accountability, and support to see it through. It all starts with a phone call. Click here to start the process

"Action is the foundational key to all success." Picasso

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