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3 min read
5 Ways To Unplug
According to a recent study from the Microsoft Corporation, the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to 8. This drop...

5 min read
It's been a while that we've been cooped up with our families. And, if absence makes the heart grow fonder, is the opposite also true?

3 min read
Raising Confident Kids
There are words and phrases in our everyday language that actually chip away at our abilities; that have us doubt our worth, and this is als

3 min read
Do's and Don'ts For Those With ADHD
Your kid is brilliant. Talented. And she doesn't know it. She feels different. Awkward. Broken. Because she has ADHD. But here's the...

4 min read
Back to School Special
How ready are you? You've been through the supply list -twice. New clothes, shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes, locker accessories, and...

3 min read
Today was back to school for most students in NYC. As I troll through Facebook (after being away from it for a week), I smile at all the...

2 min read
Monsters In The Closet
How to help your kids feel safe in a scary world. We were reminded, once again, of our mortality and the frailty of human life. I don't...

2 min read
A Cautionary Tale
Good citizens all over this fair city (New York) have been setting up and planting green spaces to make life more beautiful. I, being...

5 min read
3 Simple Strategies to End the “I’m Hungry” Game
According to Today's Parent, kids' eating habits is among the top five "keep you up at night" worries parents have. I am excited to have...

2 min read
Why Are These Kid Smiling?
We are coming up on our the last class of the first round of Kids Cook! with our "traveling kitchen". It was great to having multi-aged...

1 min read
What To Do When You're Too Tired To Cook
#confidence #support #confidentkidschoresparents #parents #schooldaysworriesparentsgradesconfidence #happykids
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