3 minINDEPENDENCEF BombsThis weekend is filled with family, fourth of July festivities, friends, fireworks, a lot of talk about freedom, and a couple of firsts.
3 minBUILDING CONFIDENCEChicken LittleIt seems that we are well on our way to becoming an (over) reactive society. Or maybe we're already there. These days, I'm often reminded...
2 minBUILDING CONFIDENCEMonsters In The ClosetHow to help your kids feel safe in a scary world. We were reminded, once again, of our mortality and the frailty of human life. I don't...
2 minEDUCATIONWhy Are These Kid Smiling?We are coming up on our the last class of the first round of Kids Cook! with our "traveling kitchen". It was great to having multi-aged...