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"State test scores show students are falling behind in remote learning"

"Students Are Falling Behind in Rural Ohio"

"Early test scores show more NC students falling behind"

These are just 3 of the headlines I've seen in the past few days. And parents are in a panic.

But the "falling behind is not solely the student's domain. I've spoken to no less than three moms who expressed their concern that they were "falling behind" in their homes, their businesses, their lives.

Well, I've gone on a crusade to strike the term "Falling behind" from our vocabulary.

It serves absolutely no purpose other than to make us feel bad about ourselves and add to our stress levels.

Really, what does it really mean? That we haven't reached some arbitrary goal or milestone the we or someone else sets for us?


What if it will take longer to get there? We are, as everyone keeps saying, living in unprecedented times. What if the concentration is on living life to the fullest possible during these times?

Finding the joy in the daily actions we can take?

Keeping our minds and bodies healthy?

I propose that we take our cue from the season and concentrate on springing ahead - pay more attention to the progress, the baby steps taken toward the goal. Focus on the things we (and our kids) are doing. Celebrate all wins - big, small, and in-between. (And there are days that may mean that you get up, shower, and get dressed.)

Equate "falling behind" to missing the bus (thanks, Ryann for this analogy). When we miss the bus we can run behind it trying to catch up (usually an exercise in futility and always a waste of energy). Or we can wait for the next bus, using our time productively,..

Give yourself and your kids some grace. Instead of worrying about where you and they are not, concentrate on the progress made and keep caring for and nurturing the seeds that were planted, taking the steps that move you forward.



  • MONDAY MESSAGE: MONDAYS @ 8:30 AM est (weekly informal chats on member-driven topics)

  • WEDNESDAY "WORK-THROUGHS": WEDNESDAYS @ 8 PM est (working through the foundation of 4 pillars of building confidence - in ourselves and in our kids)

  • OFFICE HOURS: FIRST Thursdays of the Month @ 6 PM est (we take on all things parent - the good, the bad, the ugly. You ask; we'll answer - or direct you to someone who can.)

  • BUILDING RESILIENCE *FREE* WORKSHOP: MARCH 29, 30, 31 (stay tuned for more details)

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I know 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand that a MOMMIN' AIN'T EASY! (Neither is being a


And taking care of everyone's needs, keeping a house, running a business, distance learning, and working outside the home it can be harder times 10!

Why do we think we have to go it alone? We need support and real-life, implementable strategies.

If you need help figuring out what to do...schedule a BREAKTHROUGH SESSION today.

We'll look at your goals, the challenges you're facing, opportunities you might be missing. We'll also uncover hidden problems that may be sabotaging your desired results. You'll leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get results faster and easier than you thought possible. And you'll have a plan of action to do just that.

"Action is the foundational key to all success." Picasso

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