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How To Save $80,000 A Year

United Airlines expects to save $80,000 per year with one small change they've made, according to an article in Inc. (you can read about it here).

The change? Discontinuing the use of cocktail sticks.

Seemingly insignificant - and yet…an $80,000 savings.

The significance of that didn’t escape me and got me to thinking…how can we apply that to areas of our lives? What small, seemingly insignificant, changes can we make that would have a major impact? (For someone who focuses on the end goal and tends to think in absolutes, this was a big deal!)

What if we

...really counted to 10 before we responded when upset?

...woke up (or went to bed) 10 minutes earlier?

...spent a dollar less a day?

...spent 5 more minutes with our kids at bedtime?

Or, what if we flip it...what if we focus on those small changes already made that are bringing you closer to your goals?

Let's celebrate the small wins and not only the end product.

So, what's your cocktail stick? What's a small change you made or can make that will, over time, reap big rewards? I'd love to hear about it.

And, if you can't think of anything - let's talk. We'll work something out because everyone can have their own equivalent of an $80,000 reward.



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  • WEDNESDAY WORKSHOPS: WEDNESDAYS @ 8 PM est (working through the foundation of 4 pillars of building confidence - in ourselves and in our kids)

  • OFFICE HOURS: on Thursdays @ 6 PM est (we take on all things parent - the good, the bad, the ugly. You ask; we'll answer - or direct you to someone who can.)

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I know 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand that


And taking care of everyone's needs, keeping a house, running a business, distance learning, and working outside the home it can be harder times 10!

Why do we think we have to go it alone? We need support and real-life, implementable strategies.

If you need help figuring out what to do...schedule a BREAKTHROUGH SESSION today.

We'll look at your goals, the challenges you're facing, opportunities you might be missing. We'll also uncover hidden problems that may be sabotaging your desired results. You'll leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get results faster and easier than you thought possible. And you'll have a plan of action to do just that.

"Action is the foundational key to all success." Picasso


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