Mary Kerwin

Dec 1, 20203 min

The 5 R's: The Secret to Less Stress

It seems most of the people I speak with feel like they are under lots of pressure.

The responsibilities of family and work are overwhelming. Or they can't find balance in their lives. Or they are stuck in a situation that they can't get out of.

And there's never enough time.

Time for work.

Time for family.

Time for yourself.

So, what to do when the stress levels build and the world around seems more than a little oppresive?

Here are 5 steps to navigate these (or any) times of

1. RELEASE: Let go of the shoulda's and coulda's, let go of the what-ifs, and the not-good-enoughs. We like to hold on to these thoughts because it’s familiar and, in some way, comforting - even though it causes us stress. (Read more about how to do that here.) Because ultimately, not knowing how to let go harms you: It prevents you from achieving your true potential. 

2. RELISH: Savor the moments. Don't worry about what's happening next, tomorrow, or in September. You cannot predict the future (and if you can, please give me a call immediately - I have a bunch of questions). Enjoy the time you're having this very moment. Focus on the positive.

3. RELAX: Breathe deep. Deep breaths stimulate the *parasympathetic nervous system which promotes a state of calmness. This quiets your mind, gets you out of your head, and helps you to feel more connected to your body so that you free yourself from the worries.

*The part of the involuntary nervous system that serves to slow the heart rate, increase intestinal and glandular activity, and relax the sphincter muscles.

4. REVEL IN EACH OTHER: Whenever you feel yourself about to lose it with someone, remember 3 things that you love about him/her, or 3 things s/he does to make you smile. A simple exercise that puts a whole new spin on things.

5. RECONNECT: Connecting with others has been shown to lower anxiety and help regulate emotions, and even improve our immune system. Connections are best strengthened with conversation. Make it a habit of seeing or calling friends and relatives on a regular basis. Have someone on hand that you can talk to when needed - an ear to listen; a shoulder to cry on. And return the favor by doing the same for someone else.

So if you enjoyed this, please leave a comment below with your biggest takeaway or with any questions that may have come up for you. Also, if you know of anyone else who would benefit, please share.

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If you need help figuring out what to do during these (or any) trying times...schedule a BREAKTHROUGH SESSION today.

We'll look at your goals, the challenges you're facing, opportunities you might be missing. We'll also uncover hidden problems that may be sabotaging your desired results. You'll leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get results faster and easier than you thought possible. And you'll have a plan of action to do just that.

"Action is the foundational key to all success." Picasso


is an expert in helping kids to develop the confidence and self-esteem skills that they need to thrive now, and grow into happy, confident, successful adults. Her more than 40 years in education, along with her training as a coach and practical experience gained from raising her own 4 children, give her an understanding of the needs of each child, as well as the needs of a parent. This makes her uniquely qualified to help children, support parents, and nurture tomorrow’s leaders. Her programs provide hands-on experiences for children allowing them to explore and grow while building skills and having fun.
